Honesty Hour...

Ever checked a box that says you agree with someone's terms/privacy policy without actually reading them?

I get it. I'm not saying I sponsor such an idea, but when companies create 30-page long documents written up by lawyers with tons of fancy words and extremely boring "content" (if you can call it that...), it's not hard to see why people do it.

That's why I've worked hard to make these short, simple, and to the point. So if you care about your privacy, please consider reading this one for once. I know what being a customer is like!

And as always: thanks for your support of the projects under this umbrella. It is sincerely appreciated.


(Last Revised: 12/11/2024)
(The English copy of these terms is the official, where applicable)

Part 1: Who wrote this

Yours Truly: dedicated to designing and bringing things to life, with a variety to what those things being designed or brought to life might be! The site's located right here, and the missions are still rather new... for now. The goal is those kinds of exciting things, not data collection. When it comes to these types of matters, Yours Truly (YT) is based out of southeastern Brazil.

Part 2: Our terms

To enjoy YT websites and services, you agree with the following:

Data gets collected per the terms of the YT Privacy Policy.
• You will not defraud or abuse YT services.
• When YT services are related, you will treat other people with respect.
• When payments are handled, particularly for English With Yours Truly, they will be handled through PIX/interbank transfer, and/or the payment processor Stripe. That will subject you to those payment processors' respective terms as well.
• Regarding refunds, they will comply with applicable legal minimums. Particularly for English With Yours Truly, in terms of YT minimums set besides those, unused individually purchased classes can be refunded up until a month after their purchase. Unused packages may be refunded until a month after purchase. If part of the package has already been used, no refund can be guaranteed in that case.

If you do not agree with these terms, please refrain from using YT services. Note that failure to act in accordance with these terms, upon YT's evaluation, may result in denial of service or removal.

Part 3: Contact

If you have questions about these terms, please contact Yours Truly using the form on the website (also linked in this section for convenience).

Thank you!

Woah, you made it to the end?

Color me impressed. Thanks for reading this, I look forward to getting to continue to bring amazing things to life. Know that you're loved.
- Yours Truly
© 2024, all rights reserved. Made with 💖 by Yours Truly.